Monday, October 9, 2017

a dream of my own making

In the breath today was : please forgive me.

I gave a few moments to remembrance of relationships that I have personally fractured ...

People come and go throughout life. This is fact. That person who touches your soul, who makes you sing to the rooftops, and who is there for you through it all ... for me, there has been only one such person : and he is my best friend.

He has been with me for almost 6 of the very best years of my life, and I search for every path in the world to create my own way. I am interested in the concept that a person may create their own existence in the world : so interested, in fact, that i've taken it on … and am steadfastly creating for myself a dream of my own making. I know it to be true that i have become in my present, a dream manifest (and i've heard over and over and over that this is the place we must go in order to do this work). I've got a vision for how I think it should look, and at the moment, my scenario is matching my vision fairly closely. I am also absolutely open (and have intentionally surrendered) to the journey that has miraculously opened itself for the fulfillment of my dream … so, this is where I am at the start of this journey.

Yesterday I was breathing in the power of the natural world and breathing out peace, healing into the world of man. I welcome you to read about it in a post entitled 'safe in the storm.'

I want to know if I am a writer or an author … I write, a lot, and I enjoy reading it, which is, really, the fire that keeps me stoked . I think I like the freedom within being a writer . There is only responsibility to yourself, the writer, in the creation of it (whatever it is) … you're not beholden to an audience's whim, nor an attachment to a success oriented standard of living … caveat : becoming source in oneself in the realm of living well may involve a bit of flexing the 'normal' ideas of 'living well.'

success in the realm of 'author' brings all the glory : all the praise : and the necessity to be come in yourself part of the glory and praise.

The truth is : if the way forward includes 'author' (or even 'successful author') I don't think i'd spurn the opportunity to create my own rules around it, which is (also) my right … the treasure, I have learned, is faith. The word itself has been assigned to a realm I do not identify with, so I created my own rules around it too... faith for me is seeing life itself in action, and knowing that I am safely a part of it all; and that I have a part to play in it, and that it will be my choice (always) to play my part. I am reminded often to “keep your faith, child … keep your faith : and I do … gratefully.

The magnificent irony here is that, although I am truly aware that I have fractured (or lost, somehow) almost all of the relationships I have had in this realm, I have availed myself of the opportunity to become a more diligent seeker of truth : the discovery of who I truly am. To any/all that I (may) have harmed, I do ask for forgiveness. You may know that I have learned the lessons of our split, and that although we may never again meet, you are precious in my heart. Know, also, that I welcome you into my life, should you want to ...

Namaste. Happy trails.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

safe in the storm

dear tom & rebecca :

thank you, thank you, thank you! what a lovely time i have had visiting here ... i loved spending time with you, my sweet sister, and hearing the stories of your beautiful family.

vaya con la diosa, mi familia!

there are 1000 kisses in this envelope for all y'all!

... and much much much love,
your cool chick sister

you see, i just spent an amazing 2 weeks in a place in which i was a teacher : i didn't fit with the folks, but i didn't let it bother me ... i did my do ... whatever that means. i wore what i wanted, ate what (and when) i wanted : slept for as long as i wanted, danced on the balcony with my sister, walked for miles along the surf, surfed the internet, hung out under an umbrella in sand chairs, ordered beach drinks, read my book, dipped my body in the crystal clear aqua-blue water, and absolutely kept my own counsel! ... exhilarating!!!

it was an amazing first week, spent with a woman i've missed for a very long time : my sweet, beautiful sister. i spent the second week with an equally beautiful woman : me.

i've also missed my life (and my guy,) and am excited to get back there too : not that the past 2 weeks haven't been my life, but that's the beauty of it : it's allll my life; that said, the past 2 have been an absolute miracle!

now, a hurricane! i watched this storm develop and become stronger and stronger ... i was more in awe that i had been gifted such a wondrous display. i was grateful to be on the edge of the storm, and in no danger at all. i felt myself pulled to the balcony to better feel its power and strength. i was grateful for the opportunity to feel such a thing in my 2 week stay. i meditated in the storm on the lovely, beach facing 8th floor balcony, breathing in the storm : breathing out healing for the world.  i did my own combination of t'ai chi, qi gong, and my own connection with that which is : in tune with my heart, my purpose and my own contribution, as it comes. 

grateful(!) to be on the outer edges of the storm : not in the eye.

the massive energy, the force of a great storm : the miracle of its power to be who/what it is : the force of nature that is our mother's child; as are we.

i realized, with aplomb, while in deep trance, that i was not the only person on the balconies : and so several folks got to see my meditation : and i realized i didn't care one bit . if they learned something, awesome! if they thought i'm a weirdo, awesome! (i firmly believe that 'normal' is no more or less than a setting on a washing machine) ... lord knows the world needs healing, and so do i, frequently - and i pray for myself and the rest of the world, and for our mother planet herself. 

as i allow the thoughts of place to fade, i realize that i am naturally guiding my breath, offering praise with my body, breathing with my movements, feeling my body confident within its own breath, and i allow ...

feel the energy of the storm healing my body also, stretching and filling every nuance of my being, starting with my nose, which feels it first... right after my skin, hair, eyes, etc. the delightful, awesome, magnificent energy powerfully working its way through itself, working its way down my esophagus, and throughout my body, consciously. 

i inhale deeply, and feel my lungs fill with this universal force, and with all the power now residing there, i gather the energy in me and breathe healing out into the world, and into the planet from whence it came, and then back into myself. i gather my breath and again : breathe in healing from the awesome power within a force of nature, breathe out peace into the world. breathe in power, breathe out healing. i am so grateful to be this person in this moment : just me, god and the storm, each of us in our own way manifesting our own very best  ... consciously inviting the miracle being summoned in this one piece of the whole that is my heart . i may also breathe out peace, kindness, love, goodwill and brotherhood, with the same massive energy now consciously flowing into my body, filling my senses with the essence of creation; 

which may also be found in a sunrise, in a moonbeam, on a mountain, in a forest or on the ocean. i definitely find this energy in a storm ... all energies love their own best manifestations, including you and me ... in this now i find myself resting within gratitude : within peace within my self.

i feel this peace grow within me and settle into my mind and heart like a good friendship ... that i may access again and again and again.

this will come in handy as the next two weeks are going to be spent with our mother : a woman who sounded for all the world a few minutes ago on the phone like she was about to explode... i told my sister that my timing might be fortuitous ... we shall see...

anyway, i am grateful ... that i was on that balcony, in that moment, with that storm, with an intention (and opportunity) to breathe. 

blessed beyond measure for the opportunity to do what i could in that moment to bring peace into the world : to bring healing, to bring us to a better version of ourselves, and, going forward, to do what  i  can to help stoke within humanity the desire to be better ... one of the tenets of the divine law of compensation, according to marianne williamson,* is that we should want what we want : i want us to learn/remember how great we are, and have the potential to be ... i was (also) grateful for the thought that i could (may) teach others that its okay to pray : 

whenever and wherever it's best; and, i was happy that i could learn a lot about myself, by myself.

then the wind picked up ... and i came in and listened to the weather channel to let me know how strong the storm is ... and wrote this.

so, thank you, sister ... you're the best!

...and love to tom and the chirren...

namaste to all y'all .

ॐ नमः शिवाय 

*The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money, and Miracles

Marianne Williamson, 2012, HarperCollins Publishers
Marianne Williamson is a bestselling author (Return to LoveHealing the Soul of America), a world-renowned teacher, and one of the most important inspirational thinkers of our time. In The Law of Divine Compensation, she reveals the spiritual principles that help us overcome financial stress and unleash the divine power of abundance. A guru to anyone interested in spirituality, Williamson's words ring with power and truth as she assures us that, with faith in God's promise of prosperity for all, we need never fear the future.