what would love do?
i am a little piece of the creator, and so i am
a little piece of pure love.
a little piece of pure love.
i choose ... i am love.
my own will to be whatever i choose brings me always to love.
the message of spirit is the message of love : nothing more, or less. the message is : be love, for that is what you are; for you are a part of me.
notwithstanding the forlorn-ness of being human, you are your own part of the creator itself : in human form. any and every thing else is your human-ness.
every instance of malice in the world (man's world) is choice. every instance of fear, hatred, violence, meanness, depravity, etc. is choice. ... so is every instance of peace, abundance, well-being, goodwill, etc. the choice to love (or to send malice) is usually learned behavior, and usually accreditable to a person's upbringing, experiences, and general view of how they see themselves in the world.
to teach our children well may imply that their understanding of their place here is safe, loving, peaceful, uplifted. the message may also be distorted into a version of greed, hatred, segregation, or insular acceptance. which is the version (y)our children are learning?
either way, their understanding of the world is the teachers' choice.
'imagine' means to image in ... how does our civilization look when we take greed, hatred, segregation, exclusion out of the equation? to create begins first in mind : image in the version of living life which brings peace to your mind and love to your soul. ... and then be that.
there is much ancient wisdom around the dichotomy we have allowed into our psyche : it is our choice to learn, and to be ... whatever we choose. it is therefore also our choice (by 'mere' thought) to bring the version of living our lives as we want them to be ... or not. thought, by virtue of its omnipotence, is always creating. the choice becomes 'what' shall get created? thought also has the ability to run quite amok ... our 'work,' then, is learning to direct it.
'be the change' simply means to be the change ... the universal law is that whatever we think about, is, and brings more of that. the happenings in the world are the direct result of our thinking about the happenings in the world : this is true. it is our own responsibility to bring thought into alignment with our own best, by thinking about our own best vision of our own best version of our own best selves living our own best lives.
we are each individual cells in the great body of creation. cells that become ill, sicken the body. illness in our own mind creates sickness in our own bodies : creation is no different. our part is to be that which we choose.
be love, for that is what you are. ... is the message of divinity.