Monday, November 19, 2018


what would love do?

i am a little piece of the creator, and so i am 
a little piece of pure love.
i choose ... i am love.
my own will to be whatever i choose brings me always to love.

the message of spirit is the message of love : nothing more, or less. the message is : be love, for that is what you are; for you are a part of me.

notwithstanding the forlorn-ness of being human, you are your own part of the creator itself : in human form. any and every thing else is your human-ness.

every instance of malice in the world (man's world) is choice. every instance of fear, hatred, violence, meanness, depravity, etc. is choice. ... so is every instance of peace, abundance, well-being, goodwill, etc. the choice to love (or to send malice) is usually learned behavior, and usually accreditable to a person's upbringing, experiences, and general view of how they see themselves in the world.

to teach our children well may imply that their understanding of their place here is safe, loving, peaceful, uplifted. the message may also be distorted into a version of greed, hatred, segregation, or insular acceptance. which is the version (y)our children are learning?

either way, their understanding of the world is the teachers' choice.

'imagine' means to image in ... how does our civilization look when we take greed, hatred, segregation, exclusion out of the equation? to create begins first in mind : image in the version of living life which brings peace to your mind and love to your soul. ... and then be that.

there is much ancient wisdom around the dichotomy we have allowed into our psyche : it is our choice to learn, and to be ... whatever we choose. it is therefore also our choice (by 'mere' thought) to bring the version of living our lives as we want them to be ... or not. thought, by virtue of its omnipotence, is always creating. the choice becomes 'what' shall get created? thought also has the ability to run quite amok ... our 'work,' then, is learning to direct it.

'be the change' simply means to be the change ... the universal law is that whatever we think about, is, and brings more of that. the happenings in the world are the direct result of our thinking about the happenings in the world : this is true. it is our own responsibility to bring thought into alignment with our own best, by thinking about our own best vision of our own best version of our own best selves living our own best lives.

we are each individual cells in the great body of creation. cells that become ill, sicken the body. illness in our own mind creates sickness in our own bodies : creation is no different. our part is to be that which we choose.

be love, for that is what you are. ... is the message of divinity.

Monday, November 12, 2018

dream come true!

i want it because i want it ...

... that is all. 
...and that is enough.

my dream has come true, and i am now living my own dream. ... and in my mind, heart and soul, i am!


there is no need for 'justification,' or for trying to convince anyone that what i want is 'good enough.' my attention is on my own bliss, in having my own purpose ... my own ability ... my own everything! we may all learn to be in the space of our own best; we all are bequeathed at first breath divine right to do so!

yes, there is unrest in the world. yes, there is injustice. yes, there is ..., there is ..., there is .... no doubt about it, but as each one of us consciously creates our own best, there is less and less and less ability to inflict woe upon us.

  • look, then upon the kind, gentle face of your own best. 
  • know in you that it is yours, and you get to have it. 
  • know that your own best is the best way you may be in this realm. 

many of us, it seems, have no idea that our responsibility to ourselves, to our planet, and to each other is to

create a vision for our own best, and then allow it to be so. 

this is the only work we are actually here to do! consider the happiness quotient : how many people who are doing their own sacred work (following their bliss) are upset by doing it???

some will say that this is not how the world works ... and surely as we believe that the world's version is our only option, this miraculously manifests into 'how the world works.'

certainly there may come obstacles, but even the most insurmountable mountain crumbles at the whim of weather! be the storm. 

there is always something for which we may be grateful! find that, every day, in every moment, in every instance of ego's onslaught of 'not good enough.' eventually, as you allow yourself to breathe in goodness, you may find yourself breathing out healing.

relieve your tired psyche 
... of drama 
... of lack 
... of fighting. 

rewrite a history for yourself of the stars you've wished upon, of the love you've given and received, and of the blessings showering upon you in any given moment ... you will be amazed at how much 'easier' (less tiring, less stressful, less difficult) it is to live in this bubble, vs. the perception of how 'bad' it all is! (and, p.s. what's wrong with creating your own bubble??) see the atrocity in the world, lend what you have to eradicate it. there is always something.

be love in the world : love loves to reciprocate! 
be kindness in the world : kindness gets forwarded! 
be peace in the world : peace, sweet peace...

you are good enough! i am good enough! we all are good enough! it is only our individual responsibility to create ourselves into a big, fat, resounding YES! ... and the only person (force) stopping us from this is, you guessed it ... ourselves.

it is mine to choose : and i choose YES!

how great to be in this place : of gratitude, of giving what i have to contribute, of receiving, of being love in this world.

i am so blessed! & so glad i never gave up on my dream!

namaste : i am love. i am light. i am enough ... and so are you.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

i am love

emmanuel dahger

i am love

the title came to me last night in my prayers. each morning before i arise and each night before i sleep, i send thanks and 'i am' statements to the divine intelligence which is source. my own i am centers around my own ability to create my own life.

last night, my final 'i am' statement was 'i am love.' it was interesting because it was not contrived. i had others in mind, but when this one presented, i knew its purpose.

it struck me because this was the first time this particular 'i am' had made its way into my imagination, and of course, i knew its truth the moment it came. being a person who prioritizes keeping my own countenance toward my chosen trajectory (awareness), i imagined the possibility of 'i am love.' i realized that (seemingly) the world's idea of love is actually more the idea of 'agreement,' and if two people agree this lends itself to the ability (will) to love.

being pure emotion, love itself is a natural outcome of allowing feelings of uplift, of good, to live and thrive in our hearts. love itself is not influenced by will, but when emotions lean toward malice (ill), love is often abandoned and finds itself overtaken by its only opposite, fear.

in the presence of love, fear may not know itself : 
in the presence of fear, only love may assuage.

of course, mind being mind (with ego in the mix), implications of this particular i am statement began popping in, questioning my ability around the possibility : but (mind said), what about the current political landscape! can you really 'love' that there is an oafish boor (and his facilitators and followers) in the oval office? and what about racists, panhandlers, thieves? what about drug dealers and abusers, and what about rapists, murderers, worldwide zealotry and corruption and perpetrators of war? ...and what about ... and what about ... and what about ... etc...

as each one would creep in to challenge my statement of love, i understood that i am (also) free. it is my choice to love, unconditionally, as i am, where i stand. i may choose to love while disagreeing. i may choose to love while protesting. i may choose to find a way to love, even in the face of atrocity. i may choose to love while also understanding that there will always be opposition, or that love may not always be wonderful. if history has any bearing, there will also always be atrocity : this does not mean i am not able to love : quite the opposite : my love, your love, our love is needed more than ever to heal the ills! sometimes love takes the face of a child, sometimes the face of a pet, sometimes the face of a new romance, or maybe a relative. LOVE IS NEEDED in this world!

what i most understood about love in that moment is that my responsibility is to be love, as it is who i am, and in fact, who we all are. others must find their own way into who we all are, but my responsibility is to send love into the world, whenever and wherever i am given or create opportunity to do so.

because i don't love actions of others doesn't translate (by my own choice) to fear (or hate or violence or any of the ilk of fear), and therefore loathing of their place in divine intelligence.

i am accountable to myself for keeping my own countenance, 
and for sending love into the world.

dr. king said it beautifully:

darkness cannot drive out darkness : 
only light can do that.
hate cannot drive out hate : 
only love can do that.
dr. martin luther king, jr.

it is my divine right to love : to be love in this world ... and today, in my waking, i know that because love decided to drop in on me last night and create itself a clearing in my consciousness, 
i am love.

... and i am blessed.

... and one more cell in the body of the soul of creation gives itself into love.

namaste. thanks for being here!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

dream catcher

dream catcher

does my past have the ability to steal my dream? ...or to shape it? ...or maybe my past is just my past.

my life is happening now, and i am reminded that RIGHT now is the only now there is!

RIGHT now i am in the luxury of sheer joy at being back here : with you ... it is true that i have missed you. thank you again for being here.

over the last couple of months, i've begun anticipating the arrival of my own dream, and i've got to tell you, it's pretty exciting!

the story of life happening NOW is the only story there is. it's precise, it's non-negotiable, it simply is. the story of catching my own dream is the story i write with every single NOW there is. it is only mine to CREATE!

into the story of 'happening now' brings every experience we've ever had, every thought we've ever thunk, every dream we've ever dared, every beauty we've ever witnessed, and every single breath we've ever taken. the indelible lesson here is no matter what, somehow we've made it past all the other bazillion now's we've had, and hopefully learned a thing or two about (and from) some of them. we then (hopefully) carry those things with us bravely into this very now, and create this very now into something that looks like where we want to be, as in 'just be.'

a key lesson (for me) was learning that it's okay to want what you want, so long as there is gratitude for what you have. the universe doesn't ask for us to sacrifice our desires for their fulfillment, although if your desire is to rob a bank or other such nonsense, it's not smart, but that too is within the realm of possibility (caveat : man's rules dictate that you will be caught, and you will pay restitution to humanity - spirit says thou shalt not steal, so you do the math there. you received the robbery specifically because you requested to rob a bank.). the universe works on thought, not on words or degrees of good or bad  ... it's up to each of us to discern our own best life, and then to live it.

i learned a while back to see what i'm looking at. more recently i learned that evidence is available for whatever i want (choose) to see.

this is why it is in everyone's best interest to seek the good in ourselves and in others : because expectation is perception, and perception creates reality. we are gifted the remarkable ability to see exactly what we want to see, regardless of what is actually in front of us.

the rest of the story is about the absolute certainty within the words between the words.

my personal journey is about creating my own way in this world with unfettered ability, and with unbridled joy.

how do we move beyond a feeling of inadequacy? there is no doubt but that our myriad of choices about how we perceive our own lives creates the one we're living. we can choose to create the 'one' we want and set about giving it all the attributes we'd like to find there, and indeed we must(!). i do believe it's more than just creating it in mind : certain action must follow, nonetheless, the expression goes : creation happens first in mind.

... as in, this is the place to go when motivation is hard, when life is showing its teeth, time is unavailable, there isn't anything to say (because it's all so rotten?), my viewpoint is unimportant, nobody likes it anyway, etc. ...

in these moments i must really think about what it is i am creating : MY OWN LIFE!

i bring myself around eventually, by my own will to do so, and realize that

what i seek is seeking me :
it's up to me to seek!

the rest of the expression comes from desire in self : where the mind's eye becomes adept at placing one's very own self within the (limitless?) boundaries of one's very own envisioned 'one.'

i've chosen a trajectory, and chosen the guidance and grace to go there : and also asked for them.

how, then, is it that the dream i ~seem to be~ bringing is someone else's? now that i've said that, it occurs to me that this other person's dream may very well be my own next step ... and as this is what is happening, it must be according to divine plan. i fought it for a number of years, and now that i have begun to (willingly) go with it, i feel myself moving forward, again. i'm still not sure what it has to do with my own vision, but i am very sure that i am progressing. my life is interesting, and i have the most noble gifts of great love and much joy. this small thing has been a lifetime of learning : resisting, evaluating, shifting, moving, resting, experiencing, living.

now i'm in search of resistance ... what am i resisting about my own next : while i perceive myself in headlong, steady progress, my timeline is shrinking, and i wonder if the universe's idea of my 'one' is somehow 'different' than my perception of 'one?' i also know the universe has its own time-line, and i am one-in-7.5-billion humans.

this, in no way, contradicts my idea of the 'one,' and i'm very grateful. even though i am but a cell in the body of the cosmos, my contribution is necessary, and i came here with a job to do within the creation of perfect unfoldment. i know that my dream wants me too. occasionally just knowing i have done the work of formulating the 'one' in my own mind's eye is enough . joy is possible, even in a small measure, for the feeling of accomplishment the vision brings.

...which brings me to the next resistance i wonder about ... rumi says that when you set out on the path, the path appears. how do i release the fear i have for being 'found out?' what if the people who i've harmed (inadvertently and not) in my journey find out that now i'm living my dream, which involves all of humanity ... and i realize that there are some conundrums that may only work themselves out how they will, and my dream involves the work of universal alignment in my self.

... and life will go on, no matter what ... and i don't have to destroy anything ... and the 'one' wants me too ... and ... and ... and.  ... and then there's this :

what you seek      the universe is conspiring           you become    
is seeking you.              in your favor.            what you think about.

the questions are:

what is it you seek?
does the universe have your back?
what are you thinking about?

the very interesting thing is that there is no one qualified to tell me the answers, except me. therefore,

  • i look to what i seek to know what is seeking me.
  • i look at (and expand) the ways in which i am blessed to allow more blessings.
  • i consciously check in on my thoughts, just in case they're leading away from my dream.

... sometimes life gives me lemons, sometimes i get lemonade : sometimes i give myself permission to learn to make my own lemonade ... which is (actually) the best, most satisfying thirst quencher.

thanks for being here : i appreciate your time, and look forward to seeing you here again.



* this post is dedicated to ratna elizabeth in indonesia. thank you, ratna.