Monday, January 20, 2020

lesson learned!

a while back, i wrote : "it seems in this time, 'trapped' is a more tenable position than 'homeless.' it feels a lot like a lesson, and i've set my sights on breaking this pattern : this time, allowing my way to find me."

those words, in that moment, created in me an impetus to 'get busy.' i realized that the 'helpless' feeling of trapped or stuck is merely a feeling : a lesson to be learned, and thus overcome. 

i began having 'conversations with angels' through signs and signals i had been perceiving for a while. at first, i would pay great attention to the ideas contained in feathers. this evolved over time to encompass other elements of angelic communication, and i began to really pay attention to number sequences that made themselves known to me in various ways. 

all of this is important in the evolution of creating my own idea of what living my life is, and is to be.

i mention the above because lately number sequences have been making themselves known to me, and most recently i've been seeing 9's, everywhere!

having researched, i know that sequences of 9 have to do with 'endings,' and the work i've been lately drawn to has had much to do with beginning anew, which involves ending the current phase.

this has all been very enlightening, and i am readily giving myself to a loving embrace of this new beginning. having done so much work in and on my own psyche, consciously nurturing and creating this beautiful dream, i've also recognized the lesson in landing where i did. this made for a seismic shift in my own perceptions : i have always known 'that' i wanted, but didn't know 'what!'

i didn't realize it at the time, but the very perception and acknowledgment of the lesson itself, my part in it, and the recognition that i had completed it moved everything toward that seismic shift i had been craving.

i was stunned this morning by a random 'message' from the universe. 

although i don't know the details, 
i accept the gift, gratefully.

in the words of abraham-hicks, this story is called 'conscious co-creation.'

whatever it's called, thank you universe - 
thank you, thank you, thank you.