Monday, April 17, 2017

good begets good

for heaven's sake, be good! 

break it down : for heaven's sake, be good! in order to bring heaven into the world we live in, bring good into the world we live in ... the good in us is divinity in us ... as we read, study, and hear over and over and over in all spiritual teachings and texts throughout the ages; throughout the history of mankind. the light of spirit in us implores us to be good : to and for each other. to be kind, caring, compassionate, loving and forgiving of each other, and to ourselves.

the truth is: we get what we give. this is a universal law, and it works exactly as it says it does. bringing good into the world is shining the light of good in the world, and it is ours to do. it's actually a great way to envision the way of things; and to wake up every day in the world. 

it is absolutely positivity, but also so much more ... in the grand scheme of things, looking toward the good in every single situation and obstacle has the potential (if we allow) of dissolving the angst (fear) around it, and therefore allowing for opportunity to explore (think into it) a good outcome.

the opposite of good is fear.

think about it. we face life : we may see opportunity, or we may see tragedy (depending upon our very own perspective) : every time, in every piece of information we process, in every decision we make, and in every action we take. the belief we give to how our lives are affected really all boils down to choice. ours is to choose to have a great day (even within current circumstance), or to create our outlook miserable. existence becomes more about who becomes a victim : lash or be lashed. it seems that most of us rock along with catcher's mitts on both hands : doing what we must do to get through another day. life slowly becomes callous and hard, and we begin to think (create) the expectation of crisis as natural order.

we see atrocities being perpetrated upon each other, (including - surprise - the ways we entertain ourselves) and feel helpless to correct the harm being done in the world (it never seems to end well in real life). in reply, we arm and steel and tell ourselves that our only recourse is war, in all the forms there are. we choose our weapons and are inundated with who is wrong, who is being wronged, and how we will keep ourselves and our families safe. we have greatly expanded our perception of enemy, and this has become the way among us. 

there simply must be a better way.

what if we consciously, confidently decided that each and every moment of each and every hour of each and every day was going to be met with a commitment we make to ourselves (and to each other) to do and to be good? that we will send good into the world, and that we are aware of the good being returned to us. bad news is bad news, but, it is always our choice to reinvent : to create, and to find counter-balance within good news also. don't worry : the storms pass - they always do.

what if we genuinely, with awareness, with intent, give ourselves the gift of a good perspective? ... and did our own little bit of good : wherever and whenever we are given opportunity to do so...

in the quest for justice we have believed we must fight : and so the battle lines were drawn. what if we reinvent the fight and create the call for compassion. there is so much angst among our race, and it is a very easy thing to get swallowed up by it all : but there is also, in every moment, the option of using our (very) big brains to create (think) a good outcome if we will. when we find ourselves faced with obstacles, challenges and everyday woes, we (also) have the option of looking at them in a way that will create hope within us for the best possible outcome - no matter what.

there is great comfort in the old adage : if god brings you to it, god will bring you through it ... regardless of your particular choice of word for the creative energy that is the creator, or source. if we choose, we may bring about healing : for ourselves, and for our world; but we must choose. 

this is not (necessarily) about fooling ourselves. this is about bettering our world, one person's viewpoint at a time. there are millions of examples, but to bring perspective is a wholly personal choice ... no matter what.

acknowledgement is a master tool in the arsenal : to look upon the world with our heads hung and reinforce our angst to everyone we communicate with brings more and more angst, and therefore, more and more fear. we believe what we tell ourselves : to see the world in a way that allows ourselves and all others to see beauty will serve a number of purposes : it magically, automatically has the indelible power to transform any situation or occurrence to make us (ourselves) feel better, and when we feel better, we are able to see our way forward : how we talk with ourselves and with others tells our truth about how we see the world, and our perception of how it is all showing up. the very good news is that we ourselves are the master craftsmen of our view.

we are powerful : never let anyone tell you differently. we are at any moment able to change our minds, our hearts and our way of being in the world, with only a thought to do so. should we think the thoughts of good, set our intention to notice and forward good, and always be present to the good we are (constantly) given opportunity to share, we may, one smile at a time, change the world. 

should we stand up to our fears and awaken every day and say (claim) :

'i live, share, and partake in an abundant, loving universe!' 

'i am able to express goodwill to each and every being i meet!' 

'i am a blessed, grateful soul!'

'i see and celebrate beauty all around me!'

'children are beautiful and important!'

'i am the change i wish to see in the world!' 

our day begins with goodwill, hope and celebration. we were given free will : let us will ourselves good, and therefore create better, within ourselves and within our world.

we can, if we will.

namaste to you this day, you peace-loving, compassionate, good person, sweetheart, you ... here's a smile to get you started:

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