Friday, June 11, 2021



i aspire to trust that what unfolds is for the best : and to trust in my own ability to create my own best.

i aspire to create myself within what unfolds; bringing the cast of characters and situations and circumstances with clarity in my own self-ascribed north star.

should an idea begin and should i nourish and sustain it, a certain set of circumstances becomes set into motion, only guided by my own love ... 

what do i love?

i am, and know my own blessing, my own admittance into my own dream.

sifting & sorting1 gives me the idea of what i do want and what i don't want ...

1thanks abraham!

forgiveness must come also : first for myself. my having not been perfect is exactly the wounds where the light came in2

2thanks rumi, lao tzu, leonard cohen. (to the bibliophiles among us, it is, for me, a rumi-esque or rather taoist thought, thunk by leonard cohen.)

i believe a large part of advancing beyond self-forgiveness is about a willingness to move on from whatever it is that no longer serves in order to advance my own self into my own future. the thing is, being of service is a two-way street, and if i find myself being of service into my universe and i find my universe being of service into my way forward, then mutuality has occurred.

the mistake that i hear most often is when being of service into our own universe harms another. being of service, in itself advocates a willingness to offer whatever gifts one has to give.

how may i serve?3

3thanks! dr. wayne dyer; thanks and hail to the chief jfk!

'service' in this context is the giving of gifts from the heart, whatever they may be.

when you see someone, offer a smile of acknowledgement. one of the ways we can reconnect with our own soul is in reconnecting with others, our hearts full of namaste : 

to declare oneself able to be, do and have usually requires a bit of work in the 'able' context.

the courage to do, be & have all i choose to do be & have begins with fixation upon freedom, of self allowance, awareness and self countenance. freedom implies one lives in satiety with their being ... if one is not 'free' then one is encumbered to the 'is' of what is, is.

acceptance of 'is' is taking a hard left when the directions called for smoothly moving forward...

i've already been 'stuck.' i didn't like it one bit.

my preference? what is possible?

which gets right back to trust in unfoldment & creation of my own best.

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